what is 6 divided by 1 5/16?


(6/1) * (16/21) = 96/21 = 4 12/21 = 4 4/7

To calculate the division of 6 by 1 5/16, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 1 5/16 into an improper fraction. To do this, multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator (16) and add the numerator (5). In this case, the improper fraction equivalent of 1 5/16 is (16x1 + 5)/16, which simplifies to 21/16.

Step 2: Now, you have the division problem 6 ÷ 21/16.

Step 3: To divide by a fraction, you can multiply by the reciprocal of that fraction. The reciprocal of 21/16 is 16/21.

Step 4: Multiply 6 by the reciprocal 16/21: 6 × 16/21 = 96/21.

Step 5: Simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, the numerator (96) and the denominator (21) do not share any common factors, so the fraction is already in its simplest form.

Therefore, the result of 6 divided by 1 5/16 is 96/21.