In detail can someone please explain to me how cooking eggs makes them safe to eat in connection with enzymes

Thank you

enzymes are destroyed by cooking.

I understand that enzymes are killed because of the heat as it is a factor in destroying the enzymes activity but how does this explain why its safe to eat eggs.

I know that eggs may sometimes contain bacteria such as salmonella, so if the eggs are heated does it mean that it will destroy the bacteria thus decreasing the enzymes to start denaturing and allowing it to be safe to eat?

Certainly! When eggs are fresh, they contain enzymes called proteases. These proteases are proteins that help in breaking down other proteins. They are naturally present in raw eggs and play a vital role in processes like fertilization and embryo development.

However, these enzymes can also cause problems when consumed by humans. They can break down proteins in the egg whites, resulting in the egg becoming runny and less appealing. Additionally, some people may be sensitive to these enzymes and experience digestive issues or allergic reactions when consuming raw or undercooked eggs.

When eggs are cooked, specifically when they are exposed to heat, the enzymes get denatured and become inactive. Denaturation is a process in which the proteins lose their structure and functionality. In simpler terms, the heat causes the enzymes to unravel and renders them ineffective.

As a result, cooking eggs at a high enough temperature (such as frying, boiling, or baking) ensures that the proteases are inactivated and thus no longer pose any health risks. The heat also kills potential bacteria, like Salmonella, which could be present on the eggshell or even inside the egg.

So, by cooking eggs thoroughly, the enzymes are deactivated, any bacteria present is killed, and the eggs become safe to eat. It's important to note that if you prefer your eggs with runny yolks or partially cooked whites (such as in sunny-side-up or soft-boiled eggs), there is still a small risk of bacterial contamination.