circle the context clue that shows the menaing of the word in italic type, then write a synonym for the meaning you infer on the lines provided.

¡ö jennifer wanted to travel abroad to a foreign land._____________________

¡ö Stop brooding! Moping and worrying like that won't help._________________

i need some help! ¡Ö_

Please capitalize the word that's in italics.

jennifer wanted to travel Abroad to foreign land.

stop Brooding! moping and worrying like that won't help.

To find the context clue that shows the meaning of the word in italic type, we need to identify the word in italic type in each sentence.

In the first sentence, the word "abroad" is in italic type.

In the second sentence, the word "brooding" is in italic type.

Now, let's find the context clue and infer the meaning of the italicized words:

1. Sentence 1: "Jennifer wanted to travel abroad to a foreign land."

The context clue that shows the meaning of the word "abroad" is "to a foreign land." From this, we can infer that "abroad" means going to another country or a foreign place.

Synonym for "abroad": overseas.

2. Sentence 2: "Stop brooding! Moping and worrying like that won't help."

The context clue that shows the meaning of the word "brooding" is "Moping and worrying like that won't help." From this, we can infer that "brooding" means being deep in thought in a negative or gloomy way.

Synonym for "brooding": sulking.

If you need further assistance, feel free to ask!