How to write a argumentative essay on Plymouth,Massachusetts 1620 ?

What can be some topics????

Only you can choose your topic. If it's to be argumentative, then you must take a good, strong stand on whatever issue you choose. No wishy-washy stuff! One question that comes to my mind is this: If the English people who landed at Plymouth knew about the Jamestown problems and deaths, why did they try the same thing but in a harsher climate?

Now that's not a topic, but it could lead to one. Also be sure to read this:

(for writing argumentative essays)

Here are some excellent websites that will help you with the writing process, researching, etc., especially for an argumentative paper (and what to do with that opposing view).
Go to Argumentative Essays across the top.
Click on Step by Step for the process. Click on Info Search for help with researching.

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Use this for everything! The table of contents listed in the column on the left will help you immensely.

To write an argumentative essay on Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620, you need to choose a specific angle or argument related to the topic and provide evidence and reasoning to support your viewpoint. Here are some potential topic ideas you can consider:

1. The Pilgrims' decision to settle in Plymouth: Argue whether settling in Plymouth was a wise choice for the Pilgrims, considering factors such as climate, access to resources, and relations with Native Americans.

2. Interactions with Native Americans: Discuss the nature of the interaction between the Pilgrims and Native American tribes in Plymouth, exploring whether it was cooperative, confrontational, or a combination of both.

3. Impact of the Mayflower Compact: Assess the significance and effectiveness of the Mayflower Compact, highlighting its influence on the development of American democracy and governance.

4. Role of religion in Plymouth Colony: Examine the influence of Puritan religious beliefs and practices on the social, political, and economic structure of Plymouth Colony.

5. Comparisons with other New England colonies: Compare and contrast the development and success of Plymouth Colony with other early New England colonies, such as Massachusetts Bay Colony or Connecticut Colony.

Remember to choose a topic that you find interesting and can support with evidence. Conduct thorough research to gather relevant information and use it to develop a strong argument. Additionally, consider incorporating counterarguments and refute them with well-supported evidence to strengthen your essay.