In addition to the salt/sugar question, what will you use and what unit of measure will you place on the y axis of the bar graph for quantitative measurement? Also, which factors are controlled to make the experiment fair?

To determine what will be used and the unit of measure for the y-axis in a bar graph for quantitative measurement, we need to consider the specific question or data being analyzed. In the example you mentioned about salt/sugar, we will assume we are comparing the concentration of salt and sugar solutions. The independent variable would be the concentration of the solutions, and the dependent variable would be the measured property or effect of the concentration.

For a quantitative measurement, we commonly use numerical values. In this case, the concentration of salt and sugar solutions might be measured in units such as grams per liter (g/L), moles per liter (mol/L), or percentage concentration (%).

Now, regarding the factors controlled to make the experiment fair, several factors need to be addressed to ensure a fair and reliable comparison:

1. Control Group: Have a control group in the experiment, which is a group that does not receive any changes or variations and is used as a baseline for comparison.

2. Randomization: Randomly assign the different concentrations of the solutions to the experimental groups to avoid potential bias.

3. Replication: Repeat the experiment multiple times using the same conditions to account for any variability and increase confidence in the results.

4. Measurement and Recording: Ensure accuracy and precision in measuring the concentrations of the solutions and record the data consistently.

5. Constants: Keep all other variables constant throughout the experiment, such as temperature, volume, and time, to isolate the effect of the concentration being tested.

By controlling these factors, we can reduce the chances of any external influences affecting the results and ensure a fair and accurate comparison between the different concentrations of salt and sugar solutions.