Select the answer that best describes an aqueous solution made from each of the following substances:

Reference: Ref 14-4

solid aluminum chloride (AlCl3)


To determine the answer, we need to understand whether aluminum chloride (AlCl3) dissolves in water. The best way to do this is to consult a reference source, in this case, "Ref 14-4." Now, I don't have access to specific reference materials, but I can guide you on how to find the answer.

1. Start by looking for the reference source you mentioned, "Ref 14-4". This could be a textbook, an article, or any other relevant source of information.
2. Once you have found the reference source, go to the section that discusses aluminum chloride (AlCl3).
3. Look for information on the solubility of aluminum chloride in water. This information will tell you whether aluminum chloride dissolves in water or not.
4. If the source states that aluminum chloride is soluble in water, then the aqueous solution made from solid aluminum chloride (AlCl3) would be a solution where aluminum chloride is dissolved in water. If the source states that it is insoluble, then the answer would be that an aqueous solution cannot be made from solid aluminum chloride (AlCl3).

By following these steps and consulting "Ref 14-4," you should be able to determine the answer that best describes an aqueous solution made from solid aluminum chloride (AlCl3).

To determine the nature of an aqueous solution made from solid aluminum chloride (AlCl3), we need to consider its behavior when dissolved in water. When aluminum chloride is dissolved in water, it forms ions as follows:

AlCl3(s) -> Al3+(aq) + 3Cl-(aq)

The resulting solution contains positively charged aluminum ions (Al3+) and negatively charged chloride ions (Cl-). Therefore, the aqueous solution made from solid aluminum chloride is described as an "aqueous solution of aluminum ions (Al3+) and chloride ions (Cl-)."