This is a visual basics program issue.

The problem is: Table 4.7 contains information on several states. Write a program that requests a state and category (flower, motto and nickname) as input and displays the requested information. If the state or category requested is not in the table, the program should so inform the user.

Table 4.7 State, Flower, Nickname, and Motto


Golden Poppy
Golden State

Hoosier State
Crossroads of America
Magnolia State
By valor of arms
New York
Empire State
Ever upward

This is the program I created. It only displays the very last line of the program:

Public Class Ch04_3_32A

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
'Display state and category
Dim state As String
Dim category As String
state = (InputBox("Enter a state", "A State"))
category = (InputBox("Enter a category", "A Category"))
Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
txtOutput.Text = "Gold Poppy"
txtOutput.Text = "Golden State"
Case "MOTTO"
txtOutput.Text = "Eureka"
End Select
End Select
Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
Case ("FLOWER")
txtOutput.Text = "Peony"
txtOutput.Text = "Hoosier State"
Case ("MOTTO")
txtOutput.Text = "Crossroads to America"
End Select
End Select
Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
txtOutput.Text = "Magnolia"
txtOutput.Text = "Magnolia State"
Case "MOTTO"
txtOutput.Text = "By valor and arms"
End Select
End Select
Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
txtOutput.Text = "Rose"
txtOutput.Text = "Empire State"
Case "MOTTO"
txtOutput.Text = "Ever Upward"
End Select
End Select
If state <> "" Then
txtOutput.Text = "Category is not listed"
End If
End Sub
End Class

It's been years, so I forgot a lot. Should this:

If state <> "" Then

Say this:
If state = "" Then

I honestly forget. Let me know if that works.

Thank you both. I'll give the line a try and report back...

No I'm afraid the If statement did not work. I'm trying Case Else. But I think all my Select End and Select Case's are the cause.

I'm just waking up, so really tired. I will try to look later, but it is a hard program to follow mentally. Haha

I hope someone can help. Check back again in a while.

So do I. This program is a little difficult. Thank you for your help...

Declare these under form.

Dim Mott As String 'To type in which State Motto
Dim Flower As String 'To type in which State Flower
Dim NickName As String 'To type in which State NickName

First Button code.

Private Sub btnmotto_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnmotto.Click

Motto = CStr(InputBox("Enter a state: California, Indiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, and New York."))

Select Case Motto
Case "California"
txtinfo.Text = "California state motto is 'Eureka'."
Case "Indiana"
txtinfo.Text = "Indiana state motto is 'Crossroads of America'."
Case "Mississippi"
txtinfo.Text = "Mississippi state motto is 'By valor and arms'."
Case "New York"
txtinfo.Text = "New York state motto is 'Ever Upward'."
Case "North Dakota"
txtinfo.Text = "North Dakota state motto is 'Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable'."

Case Else
txtinfo.Text = "Category is not listed."

Thank you Matt and helper. Your help was very useful. I was able to get this program operational. The misstake I seem to have made with putting nested statements in. I had to take out some of the End Selects and change my operation from <> to =.

So what is the full answer to this problem cause I am doing the same thing right now

Based on your program, it appears that you have defined the input for the state and category using the `InputBox` function. Then you use a series of nested `Select Case` statements to match the input values and display the corresponding information in the `txtOutput` textbox.

However, there is an issue with your program logic. In the last `If` statement, you are checking if the `state` variable is not empty and if so, you are setting the `txtOutput` textbox to "Category is not listed". This means that regardless of the state or category entered, if the state is not empty, that message will be displayed.

To fix this issue and display the requested information when available, you need to check if the state and category combination is found in the table before setting the value of `txtOutput`. You can achieve this by using a variable to keep track of whether the match is found or not.

Here's an updated version of your program with the necessary changes:

Public Class Ch04_3_32A
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
'Display state and category
Dim state As String
Dim category As String
state = (InputBox("Enter a state", "A State"))
category = (InputBox("Enter a category", "A Category"))

Dim matchFound As Boolean = False ' variable to track if match is found

Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
txtOutput.Text = "Golden Poppy"
matchFound = True
txtOutput.Text = "Golden State"
matchFound = True
Case "MOTTO"
txtOutput.Text = "Eureka"
matchFound = True
End Select
End Select

Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
txtOutput.Text = "Peony"
matchFound = True
txtOutput.Text = "Hoosier State"
matchFound = True
Case "MOTTO"
txtOutput.Text = "Crossroads to America"
matchFound = True
End Select
End Select

Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
txtOutput.Text = "Magnolia"
matchFound = True
txtOutput.Text = "Magnolia State"
matchFound = True
Case "MOTTO"
txtOutput.Text = "By valor and arms"
matchFound = True
End Select
End Select

Select Case state.ToUpper
Select Case category.ToUpper
txtOutput.Text = "Rose"
matchFound = True
txtOutput.Text = "Empire State"
matchFound = True
Case "MOTTO"
txtOutput.Text = "Ever Upward"
matchFound = True
End Select
End Select

If Not matchFound Then ' check if match is not found
txtOutput.Text = "Category is not listed"
End If
End Sub
End Class

With this updated code, the program will now correctly check if the requested state and category combination exists in the table and display the corresponding information. If the combination is not found, it will display "Category is not listed".