Best Western University is trying to increase the size of its student body by shifting the demand curve for its educational services to the right. Which of the following will NOT shift its demand curve to the right?

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The following scenarios will NOT shift the demand curve to the right for Best Western University:

1. Increasing tuition fees: Increasing the cost of education is likely to reduce the demand for educational services, shifting the demand curve to the left rather than to the right.

2. Decreasing financial aid: Decreasing the availability of financial aid can also discourage potential students from enrolling, leading to a leftward shift of the demand curve.

3. Reducing the variety of programs offered: Limiting the range of educational programs available may reduce the appeal of the university to certain groups of students, resulting in a leftward shift of the demand curve.

4. Lowering the quality of education: a decrease in the quality of education offered by the university may reduce its attractiveness to potential students, leading to a leftward shift of the demand curve.

In summary, any factors that increase the cost, reduce the accessibility, limit the choices, or reduce the quality of education are likely to shift the demand curve to the left rather than to the right for Best Western University.

To shift the demand curve for educational services to the right, Best Western University would need to implement strategies that increase the willingness and ability of individuals to enroll in their programs. The following option will NOT shift the demand curve to the right:

1. Increasing tuition fees: Increasing tuition fees would likely discourage individuals from enrolling in Best Western University, rather than increase demand for their programs. Higher tuition fees may make education less affordable and less attractive to potential students, leading to a decrease in demand.

To shift the demand curve to the right, Best Western University could consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Offering financial aid: By providing scholarships, grants, or student loans, the university can make education more affordable and accessible. This can increase the willingness of individuals to enroll in their programs, shifting the demand curve to the right.

2. Improving the quality of education: Enhancing the reputation and quality of the educational programs can attract more students. This can be achieved through investments in faculty, curriculum development, research opportunities, and student support services.

3. Increasing marketing efforts: Promoting the university through various marketing channels can raise awareness and attract a larger pool of potential students. This can be done through online advertising, social media campaigns, partnerships with high schools or community colleges, and participation in college fairs.

4. Expanding program offerings: Introducing new programs or expanding existing ones to align with market demand can also increase the attractiveness of the university. Conducting market research to identify emerging fields or areas of interest can help in this process.

By implementing these strategies, Best Western University can shift its demand curve to the right, resulting in an increase in the size of its student body.