hello im a guy from Denmark, i have wrote an article, i'd be happy if someone could look at it. if yes send ur mail and ima send it.

We don't post email addresses on Jiskha. If you post the parts of your article that you'd like read, please post them here.

Hello! I can definitely understand your desire to have someone review your article. However, as an AI text-based assistant, I don't have the capability to provide email addresses or receive and review attachments.

But don't worry! There are a few alternatives you can consider:

1. Ask for feedback on online writing platforms: Many websites and forums offer spaces where you can post your article and ask for feedback from fellow writers and readers. Consider checking out platforms like Medium, WordPress, or writing-focused subreddits on Reddit.

2. Share it with friends or colleagues: Reach out to your friends, colleagues, or mentors who may be interested in reading and reviewing your article. You can send it to them via email or ask for their opinion in person.

3. Join writing groups or workshops: Seek out local or online writing groups or workshops where writers share their work for constructive feedback. These communities can provide valuable insights and suggestions to help you improve your writing.

4. Hire a professional editor: If you're looking for more extensive feedback or a critical review, you can consider hiring a professional editor. They can provide you with a detailed analysis of your article, pointing out areas of improvement and helping you polish your writing.

Remember that sharing your work with others and receiving feedback is an essential part of the writing process. Best of luck with your article!