To make the following saline solution(375ml 0.5%w/v sodium chloride) what would you weight out?

what volume of water would you use?

0.5% NaCl w/v means 0.5 g NaCl in 100 mL solution. For 375 mL you will need

0.5 g NaCl x (375/100) = xx g NaCl. This assumes that adding 0.5 NaCl to 100 mL water will not increase the volume.

to DrBob22 .... what volume fo water would u use?

To make a 375 ml solution of 0.5% w/v (weight/volume) sodium chloride, you will need to calculate the weight of sodium chloride required and the volume of water needed.

First, let's calculate the weight of sodium chloride needed:

Step 1: Convert the desired concentration from a percentage to a decimal.
0.5% = 0.005 (0.5 / 100)

Step 2: Multiply the concentration by the final volume of the solution:
0.005 * 375 ml = 1.875 grams

So, you will need to measure out 1.875 grams of sodium chloride.

Next, let's determine the volume of water needed:

To make a 375 ml solution, it's assumed that the total volume will be 375 ml, which means the water volume required will be:

Water volume = Total volume - Sodium chloride volume
Water volume = 375 ml - 0 ml (since sodium chloride is not dissolved in water)

Therefore, you will need 375 ml of water.

In summary, you will need to weigh out 1.875 grams of sodium chloride and mix it with 375 ml of water to make a 375 ml 0.5% w/v sodium chloride solution.