A sports car accelerates from rest to 89 km/h in 6.1s . What is its average acceleration in

are there not answers on this website??


89/6.1= 14.6

To find the average acceleration, you need to use the following formula:

Average acceleration = Change in velocity / Change in time

First, you need to convert the initial velocity from km/h to m/s because it is a standard unit for velocity in physics. The conversion factor from km/h to m/s is 1 km/h = 0.2778 m/s.

Initial velocity (u) = 0 km/h (rest)
Final velocity (v) = 89 km/h
Time (t) = 6.1 s

Convert the final velocity from km/h to m/s:
v = 89 km/h × 0.2778 m/s
v = 24.72 m/s

Now, use the formula to calculate the average acceleration:
Average acceleration = (v - u) / t

Substituting the values:
Average acceleration = (24.72 m/s - 0 m/s) / 6.1 s
Average acceleration = 24.72 m/s / 6.1 s
Average acceleration ≈ 4.05 m/s²

Therefore, the average acceleration of the sports car is approximately 4.05 m/s².