For the data in the following table, select a type of display

and describe the steps that you would take in developing it

to show the relationship between age and deaths/1000 people

from car accidents:

To show the relationship between age and deaths/1000 people from car accidents, a scatter plot would be an appropriate type of display. A scatter plot is a graphical representation that primarily displays the relationship between two continuous variables.

Here are the steps to develop a scatter plot for this data:

Step 1: Gather the necessary data:
- Collect data on different age groups and the corresponding number of deaths from car accidents per 1000 people. Ensure you have a sufficient sample size to cover a representative range of ages.

Step 2: Organize the data:
- Create a table with two columns: one for age groups and another for the corresponding deaths/1000 people. List the age groups in ascending or descending order, whichever makes sense for your analysis.

Step 3: Select appropriate scales:
- Choose a suitable scale for both the x-axis (age groups) and the y-axis (deaths/1000 people). The scales should appropriately represent the range and precision of the data.

Step 4: Plot the data points:
- Place a data point on the scatter plot for each age group and its corresponding deaths/1000 people. The age groups should be on the x-axis, while the deaths/1000 people should be on the y-axis.

Step 5: Add labels and title:
- Label the x-axis as "Age Groups" and provide appropriate units of measurement if necessary. Label the y-axis as "Deaths/1000 people". Also, provide a clear and concise title for the scatter plot, such as "Relationship between Age and Deaths/1000 people from Car Accidents".

Step 6: Interpret the scatter plot:
- Analyze the scatter plot to understand the relationship between age and deaths/1000 people. Look for trends, patterns, or outliers. This interpretation can vary based on the specific shape and distribution of the plotted points.

Step 7: Further analysis:
- Depending on your objective, you can perform additional statistical analysis or calculations to determine the strength of the relationship between age and deaths/1000 people. This could involve calculating correlation coefficients, conducting regression analysis, or any other relevant statistical tests.

Remember, visuals like scatter plots can enhance data understanding and aid in drawing insights, but it's important to supplement them with proper data analysis techniques for a comprehensive understanding of the relationship.