What does this mean? Thank you

Colonialism is a process whereby sovereignty over the colony is claimed by the metropole and the social structure, government, and economics of the colony are changed, by colonists - people from the metropole.

The metropole (major city and suburbs) rules the colony. Changes in governing, social structure and economics are changed by people in the metropole.

Since the 1970s, European governments have tried to limit

The text you provided is describing the concept of colonialism. Colonialism refers to a process where a country or empire (known as the metropole) asserts control over another territory (known as the colony). The metropole claims sovereignty over the colony and brings about significant changes in the colony's social structure, government, and economy. This transformation is facilitated by the colonists, who are people from the metropole that migrate to and settle in the colony. By doing so, the metropole exercises political, economic, and cultural dominance over the colony.