Could you tell me if these sentences are correct? I have to identify the linking verbs.

1. I have grown weary of television.

2. She has been late every day this week.

3. You should be hungry after all that work.

1=have grown
2=has been
3=should be

All three are correct.

Yes, all three sentences are correct. And you correctly identified the linking verbs in each of them.

To identify linking verbs, it is helpful to understand that linking verbs "link" the subject of the sentence to a subject complement, which provides more information about the subject. Linking verbs do not show action, but rather describe a state of being or condition.

In the first sentence, "I have grown weary of television," the linking verb is "have grown." It links the subject "I" to the subject complement "weary of television."

In the second sentence, "She has been late every day this week," the linking verb is "has been." It links the subject "She" to the subject complement "late every day this week."

In the third sentence, "You should be hungry after all that work," the linking verb is "should be." It links the subject "You" to the subject complement "hungry after all that work."

Remember that not all verbs are linking verbs. Some verbs show action, while others describe a state of being. To identify linking verbs, think about whether the verb is connecting the subject to a subject complement.