Is the infinitive "to use" used as an adjective in this sentence: "in your opinion, what is the easiest word-processing program (to use)?

Yes, in the given sentence, the infinitive "to use" is used as an adjective. It functions as a modifier to the noun "program" and describes the purpose or quality of the word-processing program. The phrase "(to use)" adds additional information, specifying that the program is designed for usability or ease of use.

To determine whether an infinitive is used as an adjective, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the infinitive: Infinitives are formed by using the base form of a verb preceded by the word "to." In this case, the infinitive is "to use."

2. Determine the role of the infinitive: Consider the role the infinitive plays in the sentence. If it modifies a noun or pronoun, it is functioning as an adjective.

In this sentence, the infinitive "to use" modifies the noun "program" and describes its quality, so it acts as an adjective.