An object is dropped onto the moon (gm = 5 ft/sec2). How long does it take to fall from an elevation of 250 ft.?

An object is dropped onto the moon (gm = 5 ft/s2). How long does it take to fall from an elevation of 250 ft.?

which one is the answer..?


The answer is 10s. You're welcome.

To determine how long it takes for an object to fall on the moon from an elevation of 250 ft, we can use the equation for free fall:

distance = 0.5 * acceleration * time^2

Here, the distance is the elevation (250 ft), the acceleration is the moon's gravity (5 ft/sec^2), and we need to find the time.

Rearranging the equation, we have:

time^2 = (2 * distance) / acceleration

Let's plug in the values:

time^2 = (2 * 250 ft) / 5 ft/sec^2


time^2 = 500 ft / 5 ft/sec^2
time^2 = 100 sec^2

To get the time, we need to find the square root of both sides of the equation:

time = √(100 sec^2)
time = 10 sec

The object takes approximately 10 seconds to fall from an elevation of 250 ft on the moon.