In the first year of production a play sells 1,572 tickets, in the second year

it sells 1,753 tickets, in its third year it sells 152 less than in its second year. How many tickets are sold in 3 years?

please! help me with this problem. thank you

1,572 + 1,753 + 1,753 - 152 = ?

What do you get?

To find the total number of tickets sold in 3 years, we need to add up the number of tickets sold in each year.

In the first year, the play sold 1,572 tickets.

In the second year, the play sold 1,753 tickets.

In the third year, it sold 152 less than in the second year. We can find the number of tickets sold in the third year by subtracting 152 from the number of tickets sold in the second year:
Tickets sold in the third year = Tickets sold in the second year - 152

Therefore, the number of tickets sold in the third year is:
1,753 - 152 = 1,601 tickets

To find the total number of tickets sold in 3 years, we need to add up the number of tickets sold in each year:
Total number of tickets sold in 3 years = Tickets sold in the first year + Tickets sold in the second year + Tickets sold in the third year

Total number of tickets sold in 3 years = 1,572 + 1,753 + 1,601

Therefore, the total number of tickets sold in 3 years is:
1,572 + 1,753 + 1,601 = 4,926 tickets.

To find the total number of tickets sold in three years, we need to find the sum of tickets sold in each year.

In the first year, the play sold 1,572 tickets.

In the second year, it sold 1,753 tickets.

In the third year, it sold 152 less than in the second year. So, the number of tickets sold in the third year can be found by subtracting 152 from the second year's ticket sales:

Number of tickets sold in the third year = Number of tickets sold in the second year - 152
= 1,753 - 152
= 1,601

To find the total number of tickets sold in three years, we need to sum the tickets sold in each year:

Total tickets sold in 3 years = Number of tickets sold in the first year + Number of tickets sold in the second year + Number of tickets sold in the third year
= 1,572 + 1,753 + 1,601
= 4,926

Therefore, the play sold a total of 4,926 tickets in three years.
