My worksheet title reads "Modeling 3-Digit Addition Practice" and then it has the problem 186+245 and then it has a table with four colummns and 3 rows the first column title reads "Base-Ten Drawings" the second one reads "Record the Problem" and the third one reads "Write Your Process in Words" can you help with this worksheet.

Of course, I can help you with this worksheet. Let's go step by step:

1. The title of your worksheet is "Modeling 3-Digit Addition Practice." This suggests that the worksheet is designed to help you practice adding three-digit numbers using a modeling approach.

2. The first problem given is "186 + 245." To solve this problem, you need to add the two numbers together.

3. The worksheet also includes a table with four columns and three rows. Let's go through each column:

a. "Base-Ten Drawings": This column is likely meant for you to represent each number using base-ten drawings. Base-ten drawings are visual representations of numbers using blocks or rods to represent ones, tens, hundreds, and so on.

b. "Record the Problem": This column is where you should write down the addition problem. In this case, you would write "186 + 245."

c. "Write Your Process in Words": This column is where you should describe the steps you took to solve the addition problem. You can write down how you regrouped numbers, carried over, or used any other strategies or methods to arrive at the answer.

To complete this worksheet:
1. Represent the numbers 186 and 245 using base-ten drawings in the first column.
2. Write down the addition problem "186 + 245" in the second column.
3. Use any addition strategy or method you know to find the sum of the two numbers.
4. Describe your steps or process in words, explaining how you solved the problem, in the third column.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.