This is an example of a metaphor. Once more in her bed beside the warm cocoon of her sister. What kind of reaction or feeling does this give when you first read it and what is this metaphor saying. Thank you

"Warm cocoon of her sister"..creates a peaceful, safe tone to me..what about you?

The question asks about YOUR first reaction.

My first thought was the insect that lives in a cocoon. Ugh!

When you first read the metaphor "Once more in her bed beside the warm cocoon of her sister," it elicits certain emotions and evokes a vivid image in your mind. The metaphor implies a sense of comfort, security, and intimacy. It suggests that the speaker, or the character being described, is finding solace and a feeling of protection being close to their sister.

To understand the metaphor, it's helpful to break it down into its components. In metaphoric terms, "her bed" represents a personal place of rest and relaxation, while "the warm cocoon of her sister" symbolizes the feeling of being enveloped in the protective and nurturing presence of their sister. This metaphorical language creates a powerful imagery that conveys a sense of comfort and emotional closeness.

Overall, this metaphor portrays a deep bond between the speaker and their sister, emphasizing a feeling of security and warmth that comes from being in close physical proximity to each other.