how many times does a wheel turn in travelling 3km if a circumfrence of a wheel is 2m?

Convert 3 km to m.

2x = 3000

Solve for x.

If dimeter is 2m perimeter is diameter*pi

2*pi=2*3,14159=6,28318 m
(3000/6,28318)=477.465 times

To find out how many times a wheel turns while traveling a certain distance, we need to know the circumference of the wheel.

Distance traveled = 3 km = 3000 m
Circumference of the wheel = 2 m

To determine the number of times the wheel turns, we can use the formula:
Number of wheel turns = Distance traveled / Circumference of the wheel

Plugging in the given values:
Number of wheel turns = 3000 m / 2 m
Number of wheel turns = 1500

Therefore, the wheel turns 1500 times while traveling 3 km if the circumference of the wheel is 2 m.