what is meaning of groan

a low mornful sound made in a mater of greif or pain

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Here's a complete definition from the Online Merriam-Webster dictionary. The best definition depends upon the context, or exactly how the word is used:

Definition of GROAN
intransitive verb
: to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance
: to make a harsh sound (as of creaking) under sudden or prolonged strain
transitive verb
: to utter or express with groaning
— groan noun
Examples of GROAN

1. The wounded man groaned in pain.
2. She groaned when she saw the bill.
3. “Oh, no,” she groaned, “I'm going to have to start all over.”
4. She groaned that she would have to start all over.
5. Merchants are groaning over slow holiday sales.
6. He's always moaning and groaning about his salary.
7. The chair groaned under his weight.

Origin of GROAN
Middle English gronen, from Old English grānian; akin to Old High German grīnan to growl
First Known Use: before 12th century
Related to GROAN
Synonyms: moan, wail
Related Words: blubber, cry, sob, weep; sniff, snivel, whimper, whine; bemoan, bewail, deplore, keen, lament, rue; agonize, anguish, bleed, grieve, hurt, mourn, sorrow, suffer; bawl, howl, shriek, squall, yammer, yelp, yowl
Near Antonyms: cackle, chortle, chuckle, crack up, giggle, guffaw, laugh, snicker, titter, twitter


The word "groan" can be both a verb and a noun, with slightly different meanings in each case.

As a verb, "to groan" means to make a deep, low sound that expresses pain, discomfort, or dissatisfaction. It is often associated with an involuntary reaction to physical or emotional discomfort. For example, when someone is in pain, they may groan as a natural response.

As a noun, "a groan" refers to the actual sound itself or the act of making that sound. It can also signify a complaint or expression of dissatisfaction. For instance, if someone lets out a groan when they hear bad news, it demonstrates their disappointment or disapproval.

To understand the meaning of a word, it's helpful to look it up in a dictionary. One way to do this is to search online for "meaning of groan." Several reputable dictionary websites will provide definitions and examples of how the word is used in different contexts. Additionally, you can use a physical dictionary, which lists words in alphabetical order along with their explanations.