The ultimate goal of all the explorations launched by the Europeans from the fourteenth century onward was

Do you have choices?

it was boring!!!!!!!!

The ultimate goal of the explorations launched by the Europeans from the fourteenth century onward was to find new trade routes to Asia. During this time, Europe was experiencing significant economic growth and trade was becoming increasingly important. However, the existing trade routes to Asia, which involved the Middle East and the Mediterranean Sea, were expensive and difficult to navigate. Thus, European countries, such as Portugal, Spain, England, and the Netherlands, sought to find alternative routes that would bypass these regions and allow for direct trade with Asia.

To get the answer to your question, you can refer to historical sources and records that document the motivations and objectives of the European explorers during this period. Key documents include explorers' journals, letters, and official directives issued by European governments. Additionally, academic books and articles written by historians provide in-depth analysis and insights into the goals of European explorations.