Rosalyn works no more than 16 hours a week during the school year. she is paid $10 and hour for tutoring geometry students and $7 an hour for delivering pizzas for Pizza King. She wants to spend at least 6 hours but no more than 8 hours a week tutoring. Find Rosalyn's maximum earnings.

10X+7y= amount of money earned

X= hours tutoring
X+Y less than or equal to 16
X greater than or equal to 3
X less than or equal to 8
Graph it and find coordinates of intersectoin, then plug them in and see which one gives you the most money

She needs to tutor 8 hours a week.

To find Rosalyn's maximum earnings, we need to consider her working hours for both tutoring and delivering pizzas.

Let's start with tutoring:

Rosalyn wants to spend at least 6 hours but no more than 8 hours a week tutoring. So, we'll consider the maximum limit of 8 hours.

Maximum earnings from tutoring = 8 hours * $10/hour = $80

Now let's consider delivering pizzas:

Since Rosalyn works no more than 16 hours a week in total and can spend a maximum of 8 hours tutoring, the remaining hours for delivering pizzas would be 16 - 8 = 8 hours.

Maximum earnings from delivering pizzas = 8 hours * $7/hour = $56

Now, to find Rosalyn's maximum earnings, we sum up the earnings from tutoring and delivering pizzas.

Maximum earnings = Earnings from tutoring + Earnings from delivering pizzas
= $80 + $56
= $136

Therefore, Rosalyn's maximum earnings are $136.