How far did the fertile crescent stretch from north to south?

650 miles from North to South
or 640 miles


The Fertile Crescent didn't have formal boundaries. Different historians assign different informal boundaries to this region. Therefore you could say it extended about 650 miles.

650 miles

The Fertile Crescent stretches about 650 miles from north to south. (It extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf)

The fertile Crescent from north to south went about 650 miles


How far did the Fertile Crescent stretch from north to south

To determine the exact distance that the Fertile Crescent stretched from north to south, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the general region of the Fertile Crescent: The Fertile Crescent is an ancient region located in the Middle East, comprising parts of modern-day Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine.

2. Find the notable extreme northern and southern points of the Fertile Crescent: The northernmost point of the Fertile Crescent is typically regarded as the region around the Taurus Mountains in southern Turkey, while the southernmost point is considered to be in the area of the Persian Gulf.

3. Measure the distance between the two points: By using a reliable map or an online mapping tool, you can measure the distance in a straight line between the extreme northern and southern points of the Fertile Crescent.

Based on historical data and geographic estimates, the distance between the Taurus Mountains in southern Turkey (northernmost point) and the Persian Gulf (southernmost point) is approximately 650 miles.

Therefore, the Fertile Crescent stretched approximately 650 miles from north to south.
