Need help with my story. Please check if my Anecdote is story or merely a report,second paragraph anazlyze the anecdote, explaining how illustrates the thesis. How can I make my essay 1000 words long? Thank you. sorry its kind a long questions.

My quote is "Be good and you will be lonesome." It meanings that most people are bad.

In my anecdote I'll start off start by demenstarting how person does a good but can't keep be good and then state thesis. In my essay I will write about what good behaviors that people do. Like stop using drugs, not drinking alcoholic abstainingfrom sex until marriage and then why I think people don't can't cut their bad behaviors and be good.

How can I combine all these three? Abstaining from sex until marriage, not doing drugs and not drinking alcoholic?

This is the "Anecdote" I will begin with my essay which is below

There are two young sisters; one is on her best behave and does whatever her parents ask her to properly. and the other one, even though she tries to discipline herself she still has hard time conducting herself properly.

1)I am trying imply here that its easy for one person to behave good and that it can be hard for other to be good even though they try to be good. How can this be connected to my essay?

2)Thesis: Behaving good will discipline you to make good choice and hinder you from doing bad behaviors. Does this connect with mu Ancdote?

3) I have to think about an analogy or comparison that would explain the maxim. This is what I came up with.
1)"Be friendly and you will not be isolated" (2) "Be honest and you will be innocent" (3) Be well behaved and you will be righteous" (4) Be worthy and you will be admirable". How can I cooprate this into my essay?

Please tell me where I can find story (fable, parable)that supports the maxim. And how can I include this in my essay? Thank u very much!

Based on the information provided, it seems like your anecdote is more of an example or report rather than a full-fledged story. To make it more engaging and storytelling-like, you can consider adding more details, dialogue, and vivid descriptions. For example, instead of simply stating that one sister behaves well while the other struggles, you can create a scene where these differences in behavior are demonstrated through specific actions or events.

To analyze the anecdote and explain how it illustrates the thesis, you can focus on the contrast between the two sisters and explore why one is able to consistently behave well while the other struggles. This can help highlight the importance of discipline and its impact on making good choices and avoiding bad behaviors, which aligns with your thesis.

To combine the three behaviors (abstaining from sex until marriage, not doing drugs, and not drinking alcohol), you can explain how these choices fall under the umbrella of making good decisions. Discuss the potential negative consequences of engaging in these behaviors and how abstaining from them can lead to positive outcomes, moral grounding, and a sense of righteousness.

As for finding a story (fable, parable) that supports the maxim, you can consider searching for existing tales or moral stories that emphasize the value of being good and the potential isolation or struggles that may accompany it. Some possible sources include Aesop's Fables, stories from religious texts, or even popular children's tales with moral lessons. Incorporate the chosen story into your essay by summarizing and analyzing it in a way that connects it to your thesis and overall argument.

To make your essay longer, you can expand on each point by providing more examples, evidence, or personal anecdotes. Additionally, consider including counterarguments and addressing them to strengthen your essay. You can also add more analysis and explore the implications of your argument in different contexts or for different groups of people.

Remember to always organize your ideas logically and coherently, using appropriate transitions between paragraphs. This will help your essay flow smoothly and reach the desired word count.

Based on the information you provided, it seems that your anecdote is more of a report than a story. In an anecdote, you typically provide a brief and interesting account of a specific incident or personal experience that relates to your thesis or topic. It should include descriptive details and engage the reader's attention. To improve your anecdote, consider adding more specific details about the sisters and their behaviors, as well as how these behaviors impact their lives or relationships.

Now, let's analyze your anecdote and how it illustrates the thesis. The anecdote you provided is about two young sisters, one who behaves well and does whatever her parents ask her, and another who struggles to conduct herself properly. This anecdote can illustrate your thesis by showing that behaving well and making good choices can lead to discipline and help to avoid engaging in bad behaviors.

To combine the three ideas of abstaining from sex until marriage, not doing drugs, and not drinking alcohol, you can focus on the theme of self-discipline and the benefits it brings. Discuss how abstaining from these behaviors requires self-control and a commitment to maintaining good values and principles. Explain the positive outcomes and personal growth that can result from making these choices.

Regarding the analogy or comparison you mentioned, you could incorporate it into your essay by providing further explanations or examples. For each statement ("Be friendly and you will not be isolated," "Be honest and you will be innocent," etc.), discuss how embodying these qualities can lead to positive outcomes and reinforce the thesis statement. By connecting these comparisons to your topic of good behavior and self-discipline, you can strengthen your essay's argument.

In terms of finding a story (fable, parable) that supports the maxim, you can search for literary works or religious texts that address the importance of good behavior and the consequences of negative actions. Look for stories that highlight the themes of self-discipline, moral choices, and the rewards or consequences associated with them. Once you find a suitable story, incorporate it into your essay by summarizing its key points and using it as supporting evidence for your thesis.

To make your essay longer, consider adding more supporting details, examples, and explanations for your ideas. Expand on your points by delving deeper into the topics you intend to discuss. Additionally, you can include relevant research, expert opinions, or real-life case studies to provide further evidence and add depth to your arguments.

Remember to organize your essay effectively, using clear topic sentences, transitions, and a logical flow of ideas. This will ensure that your essay reaches the desired length without sacrificing clarity or coherence.

Good luck with your essay!