There is a three diget number round to the nearest hundred to 200. Round to the nearst 10 this number round to the sum of digits of the number is sum is 19. What is this number?

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Find a three-digit number that rounds to the nearest hundred as 200.
To do this, think about what range of numbers would round to 200 when rounded to the nearest hundred. Numbers ranging from 150 to 249 would round to 200 since they are closer to 200 than to any other hundred.

Step 2: Round the three-digit number to the nearest ten, and the sum of its digits should be 19.
Let's go through each possible three-digit number from the range we found in step 1 (150 to 249) and round them to the nearest ten. We will check if any of them satisfies the condition that the sum of its digits is 19.

150 rounds to 150, and the sum of its digits is 1+5+0 = 6.
160 rounds to 160, and the sum of its digits is 1+6+0 = 7.
200 rounds to 200, and the sum of its digits is 2+0+0 = 2.
210 rounds to 210, and the sum of its digits is 2+1+0 = 3.
249 rounds to 250, and the sum of its digits is 2+5+0 = 7.

Based on the above observations, none of the three-digit numbers from the range 150 to 249 satisfies the condition that when rounded to the nearest ten, the sum of its digits is 19.

Therefore, there is no three-digit number that satisfies both conditions given in the question.