In response to a compliment on his excellent oral presentation, a Japanese business executive replies, "No, it wasn't very good." Which of the following is the MOST likely explanation for this response?

A He thought the person giving the compliment was his inferior.

B He thought the comment was meant sarcastically.
C He was giving the response to a compliment that is considered socially correct in his culture.
D He really was not very well prepared for his presentation and he was embarrassed because his facts might not all be correct.

I believe it is C but I am not sure. I think it is C because from experience the Japanese culture is very upfront about their personal opinions. Need someone to verify this please.

I agree.

ashworth college

You're on the right track! The correct answer is indeed C: He was giving the response to a compliment that is considered socially correct in his culture. In Japanese culture, it is common for individuals to downplay their achievements and show humility when receiving compliments. This cultural norm is known as "tatemae," where individuals are expected to modestly deflect praise, even if they actually agree with the compliment. This response can be seen as a way to maintain harmonious relationships and avoid appearing arrogant. It is important to note that cultural practices and norms can vary, so not all Japanese individuals may respond in the same way.