Who was influenced negatively by the southern code of behaviour in the autobiography of miss jane pittman, and how?

Robert Samson-owner of the Samson plantation and father to Timmy and Tee bob


Miss Amma Dean- wife to Robert Samson and mother to Tee bob

In the autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, the Southern code of behavior had a negative influence on several characters, shaping their lives in various ways. To identify these characters and understand how they were impacted, you can analyze the text by following these steps:

1. Read the text: Begin by reading the autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, paying attention to the interactions, situations, and experiences described.

2. Identify the Southern code of behavior: The Southern code of behavior refers to the cultural norms and unwritten rules that governed society in the southern United States during specific periods, especially regarding race, class, and gender.

3. Identify characters affected by the Southern code: Look for characters in the book who experience negative repercussions due to the adherence or enforcement of the Southern code.

4. Analyze their experiences: Explore the specific ways in which these characters are influenced and impacted negatively. Pay attention to their interactions with others, their limitations, their struggles, their internal conflicts, and any major events tied to their experience of the Southern code.

5. Understand the effects: Consider how the Southern code alters the characters' lives, perspectives, opportunities, relationships, and overall well-being. Examine whether it restricts their freedom, suppresses their identity, perpetuates inequality, or causes emotional turmoil.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the characters influenced negatively by the Southern code of behavior in the autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman and how they were affected.