9/5 log to the base 3 (x)= -7

solve for x

To solve for x, you need to isolate it on one side of the equation. In this case, we have:

(9/5) log₃(x) = -7

First, let's get rid of the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 5:

5 * (9/5) log₃(x) = 5 * (-7)

This simplifies to:

9 log₃(x) = -35

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 9:

(9 log₃(x)) / 9 = -35 / 9

This results in:

log₃(x) = -35/9

Now, we can solve for x by expressing the equation in exponential form. In logarithmic form, log₃(x) = y can be rewritten as 3^y = x.

So, applying that to our equation:

3^(-35/9) = x

Therefore, x ≈ 0.1205 (rounded to four decimal places).