how did columbus made great imacts in our lives today

Discovering America.

Actually, Columbus didn't "discover" America. The first people in the Americas came here from Asia over 10,000 years ago. They were still here when Columbus landed -- we call them Native Americans or Indians.

The impact on our lives? Probably very little. The Vikings had already sailed to the Americas some 500 years before Columbus. And it was just a matter of time before another European got up the courage to sail west and find the Americas. Those of us with European ancestors would be here no matter who "discovered" America.

so how did it have a impact in our livies now????

the European Exploratin>>...

Probably the answer that's expected is that most people in North and South America would be living in Europe, Africa, or Asia. However, the Native Americans would have both continents to themselves and would be successfully governing themselves and living productive lives.

Christopher Columbus made a great impact on our lives today through his explorations in the late 15th century. Here are some ways in which Columbus's expeditions left a lasting influence:

1. Discovery of the New World: Columbus's most significant achievement was the discovery of the Americas, which opened up new trade routes and colonization opportunities for European powers. This led to the Columbian Exchange, the transfer of plants, animals, diseases, and culture between the Old World (Europe, Africa, Asia) and the New World (the Americas). This exchange had far-reaching effects on the global economy, agriculture, and the spread of ideas.

2. European Colonization: Columbus's voyages paved the way for European colonization in the Americas. The Spanish, in particular, established vast colonial empires in Central and South America, resulting in the introduction of European languages, religion, legal systems, and governance structures that continue to influence the cultural landscape of the Americas today.

3. Global Exploration: Columbus's expeditions inspired further exploration to uncover new lands and expand trade routes. This led to subsequent European explorers, such as Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, and James Cook, who made groundbreaking voyages and expanded geographic knowledge. Exploration propelled scientific and technological advancements, encouraged maritime trade, and shaped global politics and alliances.

4. Cultural Exchange: Columbus's voyages enabled the exchange of ideas, technologies, and cultural practices between different parts of the world. This cultural intermingling influenced art, music, literature, cuisine, and religious beliefs in both Europe and the Americas. It fostered the blending of diverse cultures and contributed to the development of new societies and identities.

To learn more about the impact of Columbus's expeditions, you can study history books, academic articles, and primary sources such as Columbus's journals, accounts of his contemporaries, and historical narratives.