what is convolved image?




A convolved image is the result of performing a mathematical operation called convolution on an input image. Convolution is a process whereby each pixel of the input image is combined with its neighboring pixels, weighted by a predefined kernel (sometimes also referred to as a filter or mask).

To understand how a convolved image is obtained, follow these steps:

1. Start with an input image, typically represented as a matrix of pixels, where each pixel contains color or grayscale information.
2. Define a kernel, which is a small matrix of numbers, usually of odd dimensions (e.g., 3x3 or 5x5). This kernel determines how neighboring pixels contribute to the convolution operation.
3. Place the kernel on top of the input image, aligning its center with each pixel of the image.
4. Multiply each element of the kernel with the corresponding pixel value in the input image.
5. Sum up the results of these multiplications.
6. Assign the sum to the corresponding pixel in the output convolved image.
7. Shift the kernel to the next pixel in the input image and repeat steps 4-6 until the entire image is convolved.
8. The resulting output image is the convolved image.

Convolution operations are commonly used in image processing and computer vision applications. They can be used for various purposes, such as filtering, edge detection, smoothing, or feature extraction, depending on the choice of the kernel.