How do I calculate orbital hybridization?

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for BF3 and CH4

For CH4 you have hybridized 1s and 3p orbitals; therefore, the hybrid orbitals are 25%s (1/4) character and 75%p (3/4) character.

I don't understand that, can you explain it more fully?

1s + 3p hydbridized to make 4 sp3 orbitals.

s character is 1 out of 4 which is 1/4 and 1/4 is 25%.
3p out of 4 is 3/4 p character which is 75%. Divide it out on your calculator. (3/4)*100 = 75%
(1/4)*100 = 25%.

To calculate orbital hybridization, you need to know the molecular geometry or the arrangement of atoms around a central atom in a molecule. The hybridization of an atom reflects the number of bonds it can form and the arrangement of its electron pairs. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to determine the hybridization:

1. Identify the central atom: Look for the atom at the center of the molecule. This is usually the least electronegative atom. In some cases, there may be multiple central atoms.

2. Count the valence electrons: Determine the number of valence electrons for the central atom by referring to its position on the periodic table. Consider all the atoms bonded to the central atom.

3. Calculate the steric number: Steric number is the total number of regions of electron density around the central atom. Count the number of bonding pairs (shared electrons) and the number of lone pairs (non-bonding electrons), and add them together.

4. Use the steric number to determine the hybridization:

- Steric number 2: sp hybridization
- Steric number 3: sp2 hybridization
- Steric number 4: sp3 hybridization
- Steric number 5: sp3d hybridization
- Steric number 6: sp3d2 hybridization

Note: Steric numbers higher than 6 are relatively rare and involve more complex hybridizations.

Keep in mind that some atoms don't follow these rules exactly, especially if they have an expanded octet. In those cases, you may need to consider additional factors like the presence of d orbitals.

By following these steps, you can determine the hybridization of the central atom in a molecule.