

You had lots of help on your last analogy question. What do you think goes into these blanks?


sweets/candy/cake... you know.

These are so easy. Just think about the relationships.


To figure out the missing word in the pattern "month:week:_______:month," we can think about the progression of time.

- A month consists of several weeks.
- Within a week, there are several days.
- And finally, the cycle repeats with another month.

So, the missing word after "week" would be "day," making the pattern "month:week:day:month."


To find the missing word in the pattern "moon:lunar:sun:_________," we need to consider the relationships between the words.

- The moon is associated with the term "lunar," which refers to the moon or its cycles.
- Similarly, the sun can be associated with a specific word that relates to it.

We can conclude that the missing word after "sun" could be "solar," as it relates to the sun or solar cycles.


To determine the missing word in the pattern "snow:cold________:sweet," it helps to think about the different characteristics or attributes associated with snow.

- Snow is often associated with the sensation of cold or low temperature.
- Additionally, snow is sometimes associated with the feeling of sweetness due to the taste of snowflakes or snow cones.

Considering these associations, the missing word between "cold" and "sweet" would likely be "icy" since it relates to both coldness and sweetness when combined with snow.