Determine the mass in grams of 2.56*10^24 atoms in Li

Well, to calculate the mass of 2.56 * 10^24 atoms of lithium (Li), we need to find the molar mass of Li, which is approximately 6.94 grams/mole.

So, to find the mass, we can use the formula:

Mass (in grams) = Number of atoms * Molar mass

Plugging in the values, we get:

Mass (in grams) = 2.56 * 10^24 atoms * 6.94 grams/mole

Now, you'll need a calculator for this one.

But let me tell you a joke instead: Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

Alright, back to business. Calculating that equation gives us:

Mass (in grams) ≈ 1.776704 * 10^25 grams

So, the mass of 2.56 * 10^24 atoms of lithium is approximately 1.776704 * 10^25 grams.

To determine the mass in grams of 2.56*10^24 atoms of lithium (Li), we need to use the molar mass of lithium and Avogadro's constant.

1. Find the molar mass of lithium (Li) from the periodic table. It is approximately 6.94 g/mol.

2. Use Avogadro's constant (6.022*10^23 atoms/mol) to convert the number of atoms to moles:

(Number of atoms) / (Avogadro's constant) = (2.56*10^24) / (6.022*10^23) = 4.256 mol

3. Multiply the molar mass of lithium by the number of moles to obtain the mass in grams:

(4.256 mol) * (6.94 g/mol) = 29.4784 g

Therefore, the mass in grams of 2.56*10^24 atoms of lithium is approximately 29.4784 grams.

To determine the mass in grams of a given number of atoms, we need to use the concept of molar mass and Avogadro's number.

1. Start with the number of atoms: 2.56 * 10^24 atoms.

2. Find the molar mass of lithium (Li) from the periodic table. The molar mass of lithium is approximately 6.94 g/mol.

3. Now, use Avogadro's number (6.022 * 10^23 atoms/mol) to convert the number of atoms to moles:
Number of moles = Number of atoms / Avogadro's number

Therefore, Number of moles = 2.56 * 10^24 atoms / 6.022 * 10^23 atoms/mol

4. Calculate the mass in grams using the formula:
Mass (grams) = Number of moles * Molar mass

Therefore, Mass (grams) = Number of moles * Molar mass
= (2.56 * 10^24 atoms / 6.022 * 10^23 atoms/mol) * 6.94 g/mol

5. Perform the calculation to get the final answer:
Mass (grams) = 2.56 * 10^24 atoms / 6.022 * 10^23 atoms/mol * 6.94 g/mol

Make sure to cancel out the units properly while performing the calculations.

By following these steps, you can determine the mass in grams of 2.56 * 10^24 atoms of lithium (Li).

1 mole atoms contain 6.022 x 10^23 atoms.