If the 80o angle is in standard position, find two positive coterminal angles and two negative coterminal angles.

positive: 440,800

negative: -280,-640

To find coterminal angles, you can add or subtract multiples of 360 degrees (or 2π radians) to the given angle.

Positive coterminal angles:
1. 80° + 360° = 440°
2. 80° + 2(360°) = 800°

Negative coterminal angles:
1. 80° - 360° = -280°
2. 80° - 2(360°) = -640°

Therefore, two positive coterminal angles to 80° are 440° and 800°, and two negative coterminal angles are -280° and -640°.

To find coterminal angles, we need to add or subtract multiples of 360 degrees (or 2π radians) from the given angle.

Given that the angle is 80 degrees, let's find positive coterminal angles by adding multiples of 360 degrees:
1. First, add 360 degrees to the given angle: 80 + 360 = 440 degrees.
2. Next, we can add another 360 degrees: 440 + 360 = 800 degrees.

Now, let's find negative coterminal angles by subtracting multiples of 360 degrees:
1. Start by subtracting 360 degrees from the given angle: 80 - 360 = -280 degrees.
2. Next, subtract another 360 degrees: -280 - 360 = -640 degrees.

Therefore, two positive coterminal angles of 80 degrees in standard position are 440 degrees and 800 degrees. Two negative coterminal angles are -280 degrees and -640 degrees.