I have to think about the needs of fur traders, Aboriginal hunters, and farmers (for ex: land, water, and food). Then I have to tell how these and three other needs might come into conflict. So, the problem is that I cannot think of any other needs. is means of transportation a need? If it is then, what can the other two needs be? and how??

I tried researching and I thought about it but I din't find anything
PLZ help

Yes, transportation is a need -- at least for the fur traders and hunters. Other needs are shelter, appropriate clothing, and companionship.

ok, but the question is how might these needs come into conflict...does that meab conflict with each other?? like if there is no land then there is no food or...how thet can cause conflict??

thet=they sry

Hunters on the move may have food but not adequate shelter. They also may travel some distance from water.

Fur traders often lacked shelter, companionship and perhaps water.

When considering the needs of fur traders, Aboriginal hunters, and farmers, there are indeed various factors to take into account. Means of transportation can be considered a need in this context, as it enables the movement of goods and people. However, it's important to identify three other needs that can potentially come into conflict. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Resources: All three groups rely on different resources. Fur traders depend on an abundance of fur-bearing animals, Aboriginal hunters require a stable and diverse wildlife population, and farmers need fertile land for cultivation. These differing resource needs can lead to conflicts if the available resources become scarce, overutilized, or mismanaged.

2. Territory: Each group requires sufficient territory to meet their needs. Fur traders require access to vast wilderness areas to trap animals, Aboriginal hunters need ample land for traditional hunting grounds, and farmers require sizable plots to grow crops and raise livestock. Conflicts can arise when there is competition for land or when one group's activities encroach upon the resources or territory of another.

3. Water access: Having reliable access to water is crucial for all three groups. Fur traders need waterways for transportation of goods, Aboriginal hunters require water sources for drinking and as a habitat for wildlife, and farmers rely on water for irrigation purposes. Disagreements over water rights, pollution, or overconsumption can contribute to conflicts among these groups.

Now that you have resources, territory, and water access as three additional needs besides transportation, you can analyze how they might come into conflict given the different requirements of fur traders, Aboriginal hunters, and farmers.