How did the weaknesses of Articles of Confederation affect the government in conducting the day-to-day business of a new country? Could this government succeed?

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The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation had a significant impact on the government's ability to conduct the day-to-day business of a new country. The Articles established a weak central government and granted most powers to the individual states. Here's how these weaknesses affected the government's operations:

1. Lack of Central Authority: The central government had limited power with no executive branch to enforce laws or decisions. As a result, there was no strong leadership to enforce national policies or resolve conflicts between states effectively.

2. Weak Legislative Structure: The Articles created a unicameral legislature, the Congress of the Confederation. However, each state had only one vote, regardless of its size or population. This led to issues where the interests of larger states were overshadowed by smaller states, hindering effective decision-making.

3. Limited Revenue and Economic Control: The central government had no power to impose taxes or regulate trade, which meant it struggled to raise funds to maintain an army, pay debts, or run basic functions. This lack of financial stability weakened the government's ability to address domestic and foreign affairs.

4. No National Judiciary: The Articles did not establish a national judiciary system, leaving no clear mechanism for resolving disputes between states or interpreting laws consistently. This created challenges in effectively enforcing laws and ensuring justice throughout the country.

5. Difficulty in Amending the Articles: Any changes or amendments to the Articles required unanimous consent from all 13 states, making it extremely difficult to address the shortcomings of the government structure and implement necessary reforms.

These weaknesses resulted in a government that faced numerous challenges in governing effectively and efficiently. It struggled to coordinate and enforce decisions, manage finances, regulate trade, and resolve conflicts between states. The government's overall lack of authority and resources hindered its ability to address the growing needs and demands of a new country.

Considering these weaknesses, it was clear that the government under the Articles of Confederation was not sustainable in the long term. It became evident that a stronger central government was necessary to ensure efficient functioning and the ability to address the nation's challenges effectively. This realization ultimately led to the drafting and ratification of the United States Constitution, which established a more robust federal system of government.