Complications in the practice of America’s ideals occurs because these ideals

a. are general principles, not precise rules.
b. sometimes conflict with one another.
c. are only one of the many sources of political action.
d. are enduring and powerful.
e. All these answers are correct.

I think the answer is E but please correct me if I'm wrong

Are you clear on the meaning of "ideal"?

Read through the 4 meanings of the word when used as a noun, and then read your question and the answers. Let us know if you'll keep the answer you have chosen or if you change it.

Okay I change it to C because the chapter I'm reading have to do with political. I'm still not sure.

You are correct, the answer is E. All of these answers are correct in terms of why there can be complications in the practice of America's ideals. Let me explain each option in more detail:

a. America's ideals, such as liberty, equality, and justice, are general principles rather than precise rules. This allows for different interpretations and application in different contexts, leading to potential complications.

b. Sometimes, America's ideals can conflict with one another. For example, the ideal of individual liberty can conflict with the ideal of promoting the general welfare or ensuring equality, which can create challenges in finding the right balance.

c. America's ideals are only one of the many sources of political action. Political decisions and actions are influenced by various factors, including competing interests, public opinion, and economic considerations. This can create complications in aligning policy actions with the ideals.

d. America's ideals are enduring and powerful, which means they can have a significant impact on society and policy-making. However, the very strength and longevity of these ideals can also lead to complexities in their application and implementation.

In conclusion, all of these factors contribute to the complications in the practice of America's ideals, making option E the correct answer.