For the stem-changing verbs in the present tense

I wouldn't have to do anything to those verbs in the preterite tense except changing the endings?

so o -> ue verbs would be left only in the preterite tense?

Actually the Preterit is the most difficult of all the tenses. There are regular verbs, -ar verbs using one set of endings and -er/-ir verbs using a different set of endings.

Verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar have a spelling change in the stem in the fist person singular: c = qu / g = gu / z = c

*Stem-changing verbs ending in -ir that have a stem change in the Present Tense also have a stem change in the Preterit. This change occurs in the 3rd person singular and plural, from e to i or from o to u.
servir = serví, serviste, sirvió, servimos, servisteis, sirvieron

Then there are many irregular verbs.

I hope that covers what you needed, because I do not understand your question.


No, stem-changing verbs in the present tense will also experience changes in the stem in the preterite tense. In addition to changing the endings according to the subject pronouns, certain stem-changing verbs will also have changes in the stem itself. These stem changes can occur in the vowel sounds of the verb.

To determine the stem changes in the preterite tense for stem-changing verbs, you need to identify the specific category of stem-changing verbs the verb belongs to. There are three main categories: e to i, e to ie, and o to ue.

For example, let's consider the verb "poder" (to be able to). In the present tense, "poder" undergoes a stem change from "o" to "ue" for all pronouns except for nosotros and vosotros. In the preterite tense, the stem change varies depending on the subject pronouns:

- Yo pude (I could)
- Tú pudiste (You could)
- Él/Ella/Usted pudo (He/She/You formal could)
- Nosotros pudimos (We could)
- Vosotros pudisteis (You all could)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pudieron (They/You all could)

As you can see, the stem change occurs in the third person singular and plural forms, where the "o" in the stem changes to "u."

So, to conjugate stem-changing verbs in the preterite tense, you not only change the endings but also apply the appropriate stem changes depending on the verb category.