Could you please let me know which sentence is better (more correct)?

1) C'est difficile à croire qu'il est
déjà le mois d'octobre

2) .....que nous avons déjà le mois...

3) ..que nous écrivons déjà le mois...

Merci beaucoup de votre aide.

Actually I would have said that whether you use "il est difficile..." or "c'est difficile" you are using an impersonal expression that states your opinion, and does not necessarily fact. Therefore I would have used the Present Subjunctive in all those cases.

Otherwise it would be #1.

Sra (aka Mme)

So, would it be:

"Il est difficile de croire qu'il soit
déjà le mois d'octobre"?
But is it not a fact, that it is already October? I don't understand why it would just be a personal opinion.
Thank you in advance for your help and explanation.

If you state it as fact, #1.


Sure! Let's analyze each sentence and determine which one is more correct:

1) C'est difficile à croire qu'il est déjà le mois d'octobre.
Translation: It's hard to believe that it's already October.

This sentence is grammatically correct. It uses the expression "C'est difficile à croire" (It's hard to believe) followed by the subordinate clause "qu'il est déjà le mois d'octobre" (that it's already October). This sentence conveys the intended meaning accurately.

2) *que nous avons déjà le mois...
Translation: that we already have the month...

This sentence is incomplete. It lacks a verb after "le mois." We need a verb to make a complete sentence. To correct it, we could add a verb such as "commence" or "sommes en" to represent "begin/start" or "are in" respectively. For example: "que nous commençons déjà le mois..." (that we already start the month...) or "que nous sommes déjà en le mois..." (that we are already in the month...).

3) *que nous écrivons déjà le mois...
Translation: that we already write the month...

Similar to the previous sentence, this one is missing a verb after "le mois." We need to add a verb to make a complete sentence. Again, we could use a verb like "commençons" or "sommes en." For example: "que nous commençons déjà le mois..." (that we already start the month...) or "que nous sommes déjà en le mois..." (that we are already in the month...).

In conclusion, while Sentence 1 is grammatically correct, Sentences 2 and 3 require the addition of a verb to be complete. Therefore, Sentence 1 is the better and more correct option among the three.