choose a product you bought within the last month from a clothing or shoe store, describe how the four factors contributed to the elasticity of the good, is the product elastic, unitary or inelastic, in a few sentences what effect does the current supply and current demand have on this product, lets say it was a new coat

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As an AI, I don't have personal experiences of purchasing products, but I can help you understand how the four factors contribute to the elasticity of a good like a new coat.

1. Availability of Substitutes: The existence of substitutes is a significant factor in determining elasticity. If there are numerous alternatives available in the market, the demand for a specific coat may be more elastic because consumers have options to choose from.

2. Necessity or Luxury: The necessity or luxury nature of a good affects its elasticity. If the coat is considered a necessity, such as for protection from cold weather, the demand tends to be relatively inelastic because people are willing to pay a higher price to fulfill their basic needs.

3. Time: The elasticity of a good may change over time. In the short run, the demand for a new coat may be relatively inelastic, as consumers may have immediate needs or preferences. However, in the long run, the demand might become more elastic as consumers have more time to evaluate alternative options.

4. Proportion of Income: The proportion of income spent on a good impacts its elasticity. If the coat represents a larger proportion of an individual's income, the demand may be more elastic because consumers are more likely to be sensitive to the price changes.

Based on these factors and without specific information about the product, it's difficult to determine whether the new coat is elastic, unitary, or inelastic. The elasticity of the coat can also vary depending on the segment of the market you are considering (e.g., high-end versus budget coats).

In terms of the current supply and demand for this product, if the supply is limited and unable to meet the current demand, the coat may be in high demand. This could potentially make it less elastic, as people may be willing to pay higher prices to obtain the coat. On the other hand, if the supply is abundant and the demand is low, the coat may be more elastic, as consumers have more options and may be more price-sensitive.