my question is how do i find the prime factorization for this number 24

thank you for your help

it is even: divide by 2

then 12 is even, divide by 2
then 6 is even, divide by 2


To find the prime factorization of a number, such as 24, you will follow a step-by-step process.

Step 1: Start by finding the smallest prime factor of the given number. For 24, the smallest prime factor is 2, as it divides evenly into 24.

Step 2: Divide the given number by the smallest prime factor found in the previous step, and continue dividing until you can no longer divide evenly.

24 ÷ 2 = 12

Step 3: Repeat the process with the resulting quotient from Step 2. Again, find the smallest prime factor and divide.

12 ÷ 2 = 6

Step 4: Continue dividing the quotient until you reach 1.

6 ÷ 2 = 3

Since 3 is a prime number, we cannot divide it any further.

Step 5: Now, write down all the prime factors obtained in each step: 2, 2, and 3.

Therefore, the prime factorization of 24 is 2 × 2 × 3, or in exponential form: 2^3 × 3.

You can also express it as 2³ × 3, which means two raised to the power of three multiplied by three.

I hope this explanation helps!