Design a flowchart for the separation of a mixture that contains toluic acid, p-bromo-aniline, and anthracene. Whenever a reaction occurs, write the reaction completely.

To design a flowchart for the separation of a mixture containing toluic acid, p-bromo-aniline, and anthracene, there are several steps involved. Here is a general overview of the process:

1. Begin by adding a suitable solvent to dissolve the mixture. Common solvents like chloroform or ethyl acetate can be used. This step allows for the dissolution of all three components of the mixture.

2. After dissolving the mixture in the solvent, you can start the separation process using basic and acidic extractions. Start by adding a basic solution (such as sodium hydroxide) to the mixture. This step helps in the extraction of the acid (toluic acid) in its protonated form. The reaction can be represented as follows:

Toluic Acid (in mixture) + NaOH (basic solution) -> Toluic Acid (protonated form) + Na+ + OH-

3. Next, use an acidic solution (like hydrochloric acid) to extract the basic component (p-bromo-aniline). This step will protonate the amine group of p-bromo-aniline, making it water-soluble. The reaction can be represented as follows:

p-bromo-aniline (in mixture) + HCl (acidic solution) -> p-bromo-aniline (protonated form) + Cl-

4. Now that toluic acid and p-bromo-aniline have been separated, the remaining mixture will contain anthracene. Proceed to filter the solution to remove any solid impurities.

5. To separate anthracene from the remaining solution, you can use column chromatography. Silica gel can be used as the stationary phase, which will absorb the polar compounds while allowing the less polar anthracene to move downward. This separation process does not involve any chemical reactions.

6. Finally, collect the fractions containing each component separately. Evaporate the solvents from each fraction to obtain pure toluic acid, p-bromo-aniline, and anthracene.

Designing a detailed flowchart with symbols and more specific instructions would require a graphic design tool or software. You can use various flowchart software like Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, or even Microsoft PowerPoint to create a visual representation of the separation flowchart.