

-2(7) - 3(-1) - 5
-14 + 3 - 5 = -16



To solve this expression, follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS:

1. Start with the parentheses:
- Inside the first set of parentheses, 5+2 equals 7.
- Inside the second set of parentheses, 3-4 equals -1.

After simplifying the parentheses, the expression becomes:
-2(7) - 3(-1) - 5

2. Next, perform the multiplications:
-2 multiplied by 7 equals -14, and
-3 multiplied by -1 equals 3.

The expression now becomes:
-14 - 3 - 5

3. Finally, perform the subtractions:
-14 - 3 equals -17,
then -17 - 5 equals -22.

So the answer is -22.