a cart is pushed uphill on a ramp, goes up and momentarily stops, and then goes back down. predict the position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and the acceleration vs. time for this.

IDK how to do this!

i tried on the first one. on the graph, i have it looking like an upside-down U and the top of the hill is where it momentarily stops. and then as it goes down the hill, its going backwards.

what do i do for velocity and acceleration??
is the velocity + when going uphill? what about the acceleration? and is the velocity - when going downhill? and again, what does acceleration do??

i tried to ask for help, but no one has really taken the time to explain. it would be MUCH APPRECIATED if you could help me out!

Thanks!!! :)

I would have made an upside down V for the position vs time. REason: straight slope of PvsT indicates constant velocity up, and a constant velocity down.

On VvsT, I would have a horizontal line (constant velocity) until top, then switch to a negative horizontal line.

A? I would have a zero the entire time, except the impulse when it changes direction, a negative spike straiht down.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you out! Understanding the motion of the cart on the ramp requires an understanding of position, velocity, and acceleration. Let's break down each one separately.

1. Position vs. time: The position of the cart refers to its location along the ramp at different points in time. Since the cart goes up the ramp, reaches a maximum height, and then goes back down, the position vs. time graph will resemble an upside-down "U" shape. The point where the cart momentarily stops will correspond to the highest point on the graph.

2. Velocity vs. time: Velocity refers to the rate at which the position changes with respect to time. In this scenario, positive velocity represents the cart moving uphill, and negative velocity represents the cart moving downhill. At the top of the hill where it momentarily stops, the velocity is zero due to the change in direction. So, the velocity vs. time graph will start with a positive slope indicating the cart going uphill, then flatten out momentarily with a velocity of zero, and finally show a negative slope as the cart moves downhill.

3. Acceleration vs. time: Acceleration describes how quickly the velocity changes over time. In this case, the cart experiences a gravitational force pulling it downwards, which causes acceleration. When the cart goes uphill, the acceleration will be negative (opposite direction to velocity) because it is working against the gravitational force. At the top of the hill, the acceleration is zero as the cart momentarily stops and changes direction. When the cart goes downhill, the acceleration becomes positive (in the same direction as velocity) due to the gravitational force aiding the motion.

To summarize:
- Position vs. time: A graph with a shape of an upside-down "U" where the top corresponds to the point where the cart momentarily stops.
- Velocity vs. time: A graph with a positive slope for uphill motion, a flat portion (velocity of zero) at the top, and a negative slope for downhill motion.
- Acceleration vs. time: A graph showing a negative acceleration uphill, zero acceleration at the top, and positive acceleration downhill.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to approach this problem! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.