a motorcycle changes velocity from 80km/h[N] to 100km/h[N] in 5.0 seconds. calculate her average acceleration

To calculate the average acceleration of the motorcycle, we can use the following formula:

Average acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

Initial velocity (u) = 80 km/h[N] (north)
Final velocity (v) = 100 km/h[N] (north)
Time (t) = 5.0 seconds

First, let's convert the velocities from km/h to m/s, as the SI unit for acceleration is m/s².

1 km/h = 1000 m/3600 s = 5/18 m/s

Initial velocity (u) = (80 km/h) * (5/18 m/s) = 400/9 ≈ 44.44 m/s
Final velocity (v) = (100 km/h) * (5/18 m/s) = 500/9 ≈ 55.56 m/s

Now we can plug the values into the formula to calculate the average acceleration:

Average acceleration = (55.56 m/s - 44.44 m/s) / 5.0 s
= 11.12 m/s / 5.0 s
= 2.224 m/s² (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, the average acceleration of the motorcycle is approximately 2.224 m/s².