What is the sum of 3142,6328, and 4743 to the nearest thousand?

To find the sum of 3142, 6328, and 4743 to the nearest thousand, you would first add the three numbers together.

3142 + 6328 + 4743 = 14213

Next, round the sum to the nearest thousand by considering the last three digits. In this case, the last three digits are 213.

Since the hundreds digit (2) is less than 5, we round down.

Therefore, the sum of 3142, 6328, and 4743 to the nearest thousand is 14,000.

The first step is to add those numbers up. Let me know what you get and I'll tell you what to do from there.

31 426 328 + 4 743 = 31 431 071 = 31,431,000

I'm pretty sure she meant 3142, 6328, & 4743.

That's possible.

3 142 + 6 328 + 4 743 = 14 213 = 14,000