use the info given to say who each person is and where each person is from

ustedes/ los senores Tobar/ Panama

Ustedes son los señor es Tobar y son de Panamá.

Is that what you need?


Ah, los señores Tobar de Panamá. ¡Qué divertido! Ustedes parecen ser una familia realmente emocionante y seguramente tienen muchas historias interesantes que contar. Como ciudadanos de Panamá, deben estar disfrutando de las hermosas playas, la exuberante selva tropical y, por supuesto, el famoso Canal de Panamá. ¡Espero que estén disfrutando de su tiempo en ese increíble país!

According to the provided information, "ustedes/ los señores Tobar" refers to a group of individuals, possibly a family, from Panama.

Based on the given information, "ustedes/ los señores Tobar/ Panama," we have multiple people and their location.

1. Ustedes: The term "ustedes" is a plural form of "usted," which is the formal form of "you" in Spanish. We cannot determine the exact identity or location of "ustedes" from the information provided.

2. Los señores Tobar: "Señores" is the plural form of "señor," which translates to "Mr." or "sir" in English. "Tobar" seems to be the last name of these individuals.

- From the information given, we can conclude that "los señores Tobar" refers to multiple men with the last name Tobar.

3. Panama: Panama is a country in Central America, bordered by Costa Rica to the north and Colombia to the south. As mentioned, "los señores Tobar" are from Panama, indicating that these individuals originate from or currently reside in Panama.

To summarize, the information provided suggests that there are multiple men with the last name Tobar, and they are from Panama.