1 6x+7=25;3

2 22-5c=8;3

3 b\4-7=1;36

4 7a+4_>20;2.7 ps. the arrow is suppose to be on top of the line.

5 4y-3.12;4

6 m\3+14<33;9


What does ";" mean?

sorry for all the dots they werent nessary but that's how it shows in my math book

If all you need is the answer, the answers are given behind the ;

6x + 7 = 25
6x = 18
x = 3

Sure, I can help you with these algebraic equations. Let's solve them one by one:

1. 6x + 7 = 25; solve for x
To solve for x, you want to isolate x on one side of the equation.

Subtract 7 from both sides:
6x + 7 - 7 = 25 - 7
6x = 18

Now, to get x by itself, divide both sides by 6:
6x / 6 = 18 / 6
x = 3

So, the solution to the equation is x = 3.

2. 22 - 5c = 8; solve for c
To solve for c, follow the same steps:

Subtract 22 from both sides:
22 - 5c - 22 = 8 - 22
-5c = -14

Divide both sides by -5:
-5c / -5 = -14 / -5
c = 2.8

So, the solution to the equation is c = 2.8.

3. b/4 - 7 = 1; solve for b
To solve for b, again follow the same steps:

Add 7 to both sides:
b/4 - 7 + 7 = 1 + 7
b/4 = 8

Multiply both sides by 4:
(4)(b/4) = 8(4)
b = 32

The solution to the equation is b = 32.

4. 7a + 4 ≥ 20; solve for a
To solve for a, the process is slightly different for an inequality:

Subtract 4 from both sides:
7a + 4 - 4 ≥ 20 - 4
7a ≥ 16

Divide both sides by 7:
(1/7)(7a) ≥ (1/7)(16)
a ≥ 2.2857 (approximately)

The solution to the inequality is a ≥ 2.2857.

5. 4y - 3.12 = 4; solve for y
To solve for y, follow the same steps:

Add 3.12 to both sides:
4y - 3.12 + 3.12 = 4 + 3.12
4y = 7.12

Divide both sides by 4:
4y / 4 = 7.12 / 4
y = 1.78

So, the solution to the equation is y = 1.78.

6. m/3 + 14 < 33; solve for m
To solve for m in an inequality, use similar steps:

Subtract 14 from both sides:
m/3 + 14 - 14 < 33 - 14
m/3 < 19

Multiply both sides by 3:
(3)(m/3) < (3)(19)
m < 57

The solution to the inequality is m < 57.

I hope this helps!