8. When resolving conflicts between students in an after-school program, the teacher aide should

A. give attention to the aggressor first.
B. let children discuss their differences with each other.
C. never use a “time-out” corner.
D. separate and isolate the children involved.

I believe "A" to be the correct answer. According to my text the appropriate action would be to guide the student that has misbehaved in a way to show them a way to get what they want in a different way....a positive way instead of hitting, biting, etc.

A is probably the book answer. In the real world, it is more complicated. Sometimes bullys like attention, and with A, you are giving positive reinforcement to inappropriate behaviour.

I don't believe that giving attention to the aggressor first is very effective. It's likely that the child is looking for attention, and giving him that attention reinforces his aggressions.

B. fulfills the intent of the information in your text. Encouraging children to discuss their differences shows the children a better way of handling situations like this.

I believe so also. The text gave the example of a student hitting another one in order to get a toy phone. So the Aide reinforced a positive way to get what the student wanted instead of using negative words. I do this often with my four children...sometimes it works...however, there are times when it does not. :D

I do agree with you. Some children do like the attention whether it is in a positive way or negative way. I feel like these children are lacking something from their home life. Therefore, acting out is the only way to get attention.

This is one reason why I want to be a Teacher. So I can help children who honestly need help and be a role model for those who do not have one.

I do agree Ms. Sue but the text does not offer that as an answer. I will go back over my text to make sure though.

Also children at a certain age can't discuss their differences. I am meaning as in Pre-K and sometimes Kindergarten. So I figured the answer would be "A".

I was going to write ... it really depends on the age of the kids. In an after-school program, there would be a range, right?

I remember an interview for a high school principal position I heard once. (I was on the interviewing panel; never did understand why I was chosen for that!) One question was, "What would you do if a fight broke out at a school dance?" The most impressive answer to that was, "I'd turn on all the lights and start separating kids."

I would have chosen D -- but then I never taught tiny children except my own!

Yes, the question is lacking because it doesn't specify the age.

I'm reminded of a couple of incidents from my children's childhood. My younger daughter was in first grade and generally doing very well. However, occasionally, she turned in a paper that was almost all wrong. Her teacher told me that she told Shelley to do these papers over -- but also gave her some additional attention a little later. It worked. :-)

My son was 10 or so when he came into the house with a new friend. He said, "This is Larry. We just had a fight. We're friends." Apparently that is one way small boys have of meeting each other. They remained friends with no aggression for years.